Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

simple present & perfect tense of english language

~~ Simple Present ~~ :
Formula :
+          S + V1 + s/es + O
-           S + Do/Does + not + O
?          Do/Does + S + V1 + O ?
            Yes, +
            No,  -
I speak English                                                She speaks English                             
You speak English                                          He speaks English                              
We speak English                                            It speaks English                                
They speak English
Kalimat positive
Untuk subjek DEWI AYU (THEY, WE, I, YOU) dalam simple present maka pakai kata kerja pertama saja. Sedangkan untuk subject SHIT (SHE, HE, IT) maka kata kerjanya pakai kata kerja pertama kemudian ditambahkan “s” pada ujung kata kerjanya. Example : She speaks English, He speaks English, my cat speaks English.( langsung mainkan permainan tunjuk tunjuk. satu per satu muridnya dicoba). (jelaskan semua arti kalimat dan kenapa HE / SHE boleh diganti dengan nama orang langsung seperti ahmad dhani, mulan, kalau subjectnya lebih dari satu orang maka kata kerjanya dapat tambahan “s” atau tidak(jelastidak dong), kasih contoh lagi, mulan and ahmad dhani.
Kata kerja yang dipakai boleh “visit=mengunjungi”, “meet=menemui”, “love=mencintai”, “kiss=mencintai”, dan juga open, close, use, think, miss, take, put, watch, keep, drive). Ayahmu menemui  pacar saya di depan rumah saya. Saya mengunjungi kucing mulan di Jakarta. Ahmad dhani dan saya mencium nenek mulan di dalam rumahmu. Wiwi mencintai ayahmu.
Kunci utamanya adalah membiasakan students dengan subject orang ketiga tunggal(SHE, HE, IT, MULAN, AHMAD DHANI, dan juga subject serta object yang menggunakan kepemilikan di awal seperti MY CLOSEFRIEND, YOUR FATHER, WIWI’S BOYFRIEND)  juga membiasakan students tentang penggunaan Object “ME, YOU, US, THEM, HER, HIM, IT”. Ingat tujuan kita membangun GOOD NEW HABIT.

I have a cat (jelaskan artinya)
You have a cat (jelaskan artinya)
We have a cat (jelaskan artinya)
They have a cat (jelaskan artinya)
She has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
He has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
My cat has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
Mulan jameela has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
Ahmad dhani has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
My father has a cat  (jelaskan artinya)
Mulan’s boyfriend has a cat (jelaskan artinya)
Ayahnya Ovi dan ayah Roani memiliki apa yang ayah dan Bana miliki
Ovi’s father and Roan’s father her has what Bana’s father.

Mine speaks English
I speak what you Speak

Negatif ( - )
I do not speak English                                                She does not speak English
You do not speak English                               He does not speak English
We do not speak English                                It does not speak English
They do not speak English

Mine : perkiraan
Andi tidak berbicara bahasa Inggris. Apa yang  ayah Andi bicarakan.
Apa yang ayah Dani bicarakan.
What Dani father speaks speaks
What I speak
I do not visit my mother

You do not speak English
You do not eat banana
You do not like mango
Jail : penjara
Please, sit down                                  à        suruhan
He wants me to come to his party      à        permintaan
Nowdays                     : sekarang
Everydays                   : Setiap hari
Seldom                        : jarang
Once in a years            : Sekali setahun

Apakah Andi dan Indi memiliki kucing.
Menyatakan kejadian atau peristiwa yang sudah umum.
- A week is seven days
Menyatakan suatu perintah/permintaan
Menyatakan peristiwa/kejadian yang sudah pasti
- Bana’s team plays in Dwi Warna next week
Have you have what I do not have?
Dou you have what I do not have?
Are you have what I dnot have?

Apakah kamu memiliki apa yang saya tidak punya?
Do you have what I do not have?
Do you have what I have not have?
Have you what I do not have?
Have you what I have not?

Perfect tense :
I have gone to Bali for 2 years.
She has not gone to Bali since 1487.
Have not         : haven’t
Has not            : hasn’t
Simple present :           negatif interugatif        have
                                    Dewi               Ayu                 shit
                                    Dewi Ayu à  have
                                                                           (  Di kalimat positif  )
                                    Shit      à        has

Apakah ayahmu memiliki apa yang kucing saya tidak miliki.
-           has your father what my cat does not have?
-           has your father what my cat has not?
-           Does your father have what my cat has not?
-           Does your father have what my cat has does not have?
I have a father
I do not have a father ( pakai rumus )
I have not a father       ( tidak pakai rumus )
on                                : di atas
under                           : di bawah
behind                         : di samping
in front of                    : di depan
above                           : di atas ( yang tidak tersentuh )
below                          : di bawah ( yang tidak tersentuh )
next to                         : di dekat / diseputar
between                       : di antara
Say      : katakana
Wanna : want to: ingin
Yes, kalimat positif ( + )
No, kalimat negatif ( - )         

Let’s open our lesson today by reading Basmallah
Apakah temanmu membuka bukuku di atas kepalamu?
Does your friend opens my book    on your head/
Yes, my friend opens your      book    on my head.
No, my friend does not opens your book       on my head.

Apakah pacarmu berbicara diantara kucing A. Dani dan Bapakmu?
Does your girl friend speak between A. Dani’s cat and your father.
No, my girl does not speak between A. Dani’s cat and my father.
How d’you do (especially in the USA)
Pleased to meet you – pleased to meet you.
I here is no third person to introduce you say:
Ladies and gentlemen, professor Green Cindicating the speker with your hand.

~~ Present continous / progressive ~~
+          S + to be + V1 ing + O
-           S + to be + not + V1 ing + O
?          to be + S + V1 ing + O
            Yes, +
            No, -
-           Fungsi Continous untuk menyatakan bagian/aktifitas yang sedang terjadi pada waktu dibicarakan
-           Untuk menyatakan aktifitas yang segera akan dilakukan.
I am standing in front of of you.
I am speaking English                        
You are speaking English                                           He is speaking English
We are speaking English                                             She is speaking English
They are speaking English                                          It is speaking English 

I am having a cat                                                         A. Dani is having a cat
You are having a cat                                                   Wulan is having a cat
We are having a cat                                                     My cat is having a cat            
They are having a cat
I am beginning to have a car

Mr. B                           : Good morning, Mr. Green. How are you?
Mr. G                          : Very well, think you. How aye you?
Mr. B                           : Fine, thanks. I don’t think you’ve met. My secretary. This is Mr. green. This is Miss Black.
Green & Miss Black    : How d’you do?
Green                          : You have a very nice office here.
Miss Black                  : Yes it is nice isn’t it? Like working here very much
( The conversation contious, probably abouts the weather).
( Two day later ).
Green                          : Good afternoon, miss Black.
Miss Black                  : Good afternoon. How are you today Mr. Green?
Green                          : Not two well, I’m afraid, I must’ve caught a bit of a cold, think.
Miss Black                  : on ( ou ) I’m sorry o hear that.
What, apa, apakah fungsinya untuk menanyakan
1 objek yang bukan menusia (benda/binatang).
Who artinya siapa, siapakah fungsinya untuk menyatakan sobjek manusia dalam kalimat.
Who diikuti kalimat + tanpa subjek
Ex. : I              speak               English
        S                V1                     O    
?          Who speaks English?
            Your father     loves    Wulan Jamila
                    S                V1               O
?          Who loves Wulan Jamila?

A & W eat your cat.
Who eats my cat?
New love Halil.
Who loves Halil?
Your sister & your brother come to your school. Who comes to my school?

Hello and good bye
Informal greetings
When you have got to know somebody better you may say:
Hello -  hello
How are you getting on? – Fine, thanks (American) Hi.

You may also hear other expressions such as:
How’s life? – Not too bad, thanks.
Good morning is used informally, but not the other “times of day”.
After the good is dropped “some times the person’s name is added: morning Jim – morning.

Your girl friend father kisses Saidi
Who kisses
Alan Girl girl friend takes Febri’s cow.
What does Alan girl friend take?
Ex.:      I           speak               English
            S             V1                    O

What do you do?                                                                    Meet : menemui
            I           meet                your black berry
            S            V1                             O

S          : Who meets my black berry?
O         : What do you meet?
V1       : What do you do?

What   : Fungsinya menyatakan subjek yang bukan manusia (untuk binatang/benda).
What + kalimat + tanpa subjek
Your father speaks English
#  What: apa/apakah
What + kalimat? Tanpa objek dan kata kerjanya diganti dengan do (sesuaikan dengan tensis yang berlaku.

Ex.:      I           speak               English
            S             V1                    O

What do you do?        Apa yang kamu lakukan?                    Meet : menemui
            I           meet                your black berry
            S            V1                             O

S          : Who meets my black berry?
O         : What do you meet?
V1       : What do you do?

Invite               : mengundang
Become           : menjadi

Whom : Siapakah?  Fungsinya untuk menanyakan objek manusia.
Whom ditambahkan dengan kalimat tanya tanpa objek
Ex.:      Febri    meets   Mulan
               S         V1        O
Whom does Febri meet?
I           eat       Mulan
S          V1          O     
Whom do you eat?
My sister always Fissit A. Dani.
       S                     V1        O

S          Who always Fissits A. Dani?
V1       What does your sister do?
O         Whom does your sister always Fissit?
Plane   : pesawat
Your boy rend’s father and my sister drefe my plane
                            S                               V1           O  
S          Who drefes your pelane?
V1       What do you’re my boy friend’s father and your sister do?
O         What do My boy friend’s father and your sister drefe?

Whose: Milik siapa
Fungsinya untuk menanyakan kepemilikan Sobjek
Whose + benda + kalimat positif tanpa objek
Ex.:      My father        kickes              a plane
                   S                 V1                    O
Whose father kickes a plane?
Your brother loves my cat.
Whose brother loves your cat?
Whose : milik siapakah, fungsinya untuk menanyakan kepemilikan di objek
Whose + benda + kalimat Tanya tanpa objek

Contoh :
A. Dani           loves                your car
     S                   V1                      O   
Whose car does A. Dani love?
S          : Who + V1 + s/es + O ?
S          : What + V1 + s/es + O ?
V1       : What do/does   s  do ?
O         : What do/does   s  V1 ?
O         : Whom do/does   s  V1 ?
(S)       : Kepemilikan (My/your : Whose … bendanya V1   O)
(O)       : Kepemilikan (My/your : Whose … bendanya do/does S  V1)
My father        open    your door
       S1              V12           O3 
My father  is    opening           your door
       1                    2                       3   
Your family and your by friend thow A. Dani’s cat to Caina’s.
S          : Who thows A. Dani’s cat to caina?
V1       : What do my family and my boy friend do?
O         : What do my family and my boy friend thwo?

S          : Whose family Twhow A. Dani’s cat to caina?
S          : Whoes boy friend Thows A. Dani’s cat to caina?
O         : Whoes cat do to Caina my family and my boy friend Thow?

(S) Which: yang mana?
Fungsinya untuk menanyakan pilihan di dalam kalimat di Sobjek.
Whice + benda + kalimat positif tanpa Sobjek

Contoh :

A big cat comes to your home
Which cat comes to my home?          
Beautiful lady  kisses me
Which lady kisses you?

(S) Which: dimana?
Fungsinya untuk menanyakan kepemilikan di objek
Whice + benda + kalimat tanya tanpa Objek

I love Beautiful lady
Which lady do you love.

  4          5                                   6        7
My       tall       cow     visits    your     big       brother
        1                2                                3

1.      What visits my big brother?
2.      What does your tall cow do?
3.      Whom does your toll cow visit?
4.      Whose cow visits my big brother?
5.      Which cow visit my big brother?
6.      Whose big brother does your tall cow visit?
7.      Which brother does your tall cow visit?
What your father speaks loves Mulan
Whom does what My father speaks love?

When : Kapan
Fungsinya untuk menanyakan waktu
Whene + kalimat tanya

Where : Dimana
Fungsinya untuk menanyakan keterangan tempat dalam kalimat


Where + kalimat tanya

Your brother loves Cnta at 5 o’clock in Banjarmasin.
When does My brother love Cinta?
Ex: Where:
Your brother loves Cinta at 5 o’clock in Banjar.

Where :
    6     7                                   8     9                          
Your first boy friend kisses your cute cat in Ahmad Dhani’s home every day.
               1                     2              3                            10           4              5

1.      Who kisses my first in A. D’s home every day?
2.      What does my first boy friend do?
3.      What does my first boy friend kiss?
4.      Where does my first boy friend kiss my cute cat?
5.      When does my first boy friend kiss my cute cat in A. D’s home?
6.      Whose first boy friend kisses my cute cat in A. D’s home every day?
7.      Whice boy friend kiss my cute cat in A. D’s home every day?
8.      Whose cute cat does in A. D’s home every day?
9.      Which cat does my first  boy friend kisses?
10.    Whose home does every day my first  boy friend kiss my cute cat?

    6     7                                   8     9                          
Your naughthy gerl friend cat’s my red cat in Febri’s gerl friend’s home this week.

S       Who cats your red cat in Febri’s gerl friend’s home this week?
10     Where does my naughty gerl friend cat your red cat?
5       When does my naughty gerl friend cat your red cat in Febri’s gerl friend’s home?
4       Whose gerl friend’s home does this week my nauhgthy gerld friend cat your red cat?
7       Whose home does this week my naughthy gerl friend eat your red cat?

Why: mengapa fungsinya untuk  menanyakan alas an dalam kalimat, cara menjawabnya menggunakan because atau coz


Why + kalimat tanya

I go to market because I want to bay some figitable.
Why do/does
Why do you to market?

How : Bagaimana, untuk menanyakan cara

How+ kalimat tanya

I visit my uncle in Jermani by motor cycle this week.
How do you visit your uncle in Jermani?

How + kata sifat

How handsome + sobjek + to be (memuji)
How handsome + to be + sobjek (menghina)

Bad     = buruk/jelek
Gay     = homo
Guy     = (Gaey) : Cuc
Hours  = jam
How + long fungsinya untuk menanyakan lamanya / durasi dalam kalimat.

How+ kalimat tanya
Your sister comes from Londen for three hours.
How long does my sister come from Konden?
How tall is monas from Bandung?
How many: berapa banyak
How many + benda + kalimat tanya tanpa objek
I bay two car
How many car do you bay?
A. Dani has for wifes
How many wife does A. Dani have?

How many + benda + kalimat positif tanpa sobjek
Ex:       a cat visit your boy friend
            How many cat visits my boy friend?

How much      : berapa banyak
Fungsi untuk menanyakan dalam jumlah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung di dalam kalimat di Sobjek.

How much + kalimat positif tanpa sobjek

How much untuk menanyakan di objek

How much + benda + kalimat tanya tanpa objek

Ex:       I have some water
            How much …
            I love very much
            I have in many
            Give my best to your I
Alan Febri’s says hi/hallo …

My big sister takes your blue cat
(S)       who + x S V
(S)       what + x S V
(V)       what ? x O V1 à do
(O)       what ? x O
(Om) whom ? x O
Your                (S) Whose …. + x SV
Your                (S) Whose …. + x O
Red bag           (S) Which …. + x SV
Red bag           (O) Which …. + x SO
Waktu                         When ?
Tempat            When ?
Alasan             Why ?
Cara                 How ?
Jumlah (S)  Hom many … + x SV     
Jumlah (O)  Hom many … + x O      
Jumlah (S)  Hom much … + x SV     
Jumlah (O)  Hom much … + x O

Subjek kalimat positif tanpa subjek
Objek tanya tanpa objek
1.   who
2.   what
3.   what
4.   where
5.   when
6.   how
7.   why
8.   whose
9.   which
10. whose
11. which
12. whose

Once                = 1 x
Twice              = 2 x
Three times      = 3 x
Four times       = 4 x
10 hours          = 10 jam

Terima kasih buat semua yang sudah mau berkunjung ke blog saya dan mau membaca tulisan-tulisan saya ^^

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